The count of Papuk is jealous that he hasn’t had the chance to try this gin in his time, made so close to his chambers, but he is also probably proud to have his horse’s ornament decorate this extraordinary gin.
The count of Papuk is jealous that he hasn’t had the chance to try this gin in his time, made so close to his chambers, but he is also probably proud to have his horse’s ornament decorate this extraordinary gin.
We spent The First of May weekend tasting new gin in a small place underneath Papuk. Distillery is led by extraordinarily pleasant team with a movie-worthy story behind the whole project. Mihovil and Iva have brought the sole appearance of a bottle of spirit to a higher level. Great company, phenomenal gin, and a sunny Saturday you could only wish for.
Vikend za prvi maj proveli smo degustirajući novi gin u malom mjestu podno Papuka. Destileriju vodi izrazito ugodna ekipa s pravom filmskom pričom iza cijelog projekta. Mihovil i Iva su samu pojavu boce alkohola podignuli na jednu višu razinu. Odlično društvo, fenomenalan gin i sunčana subota provedena za poželjeti.
Knez s Papuka je sada ljubomoran što u njegovo vrijeme nije bilo gina malo niže od njegovih odaja, a vjerojatno je ponosan što ukrasi s njegova konja krase ovaj odličan gin.