The count of Papuk is jealous that he hasn’t had the chance to try this gin in his time, made so close to his chambers, but he is also probably proud to have his horse’s ornament decorate this extraordinary gin.

Josip, Velika

We spent The First of May weekend tasting new gin in a small place underneath Papuk. Distillery is led by extraordinarily pleasant team with a movie-worthy story behind the whole project. Mihovil and Iva have brought the sole appearance of a bottle of spirit to a higher level. Great company, phenomenal gin, and a sunny Saturday you could only wish for.

Matej M., Kaptol

Gin is really very good and specific, so drinkable and the smell as soon as you open it is great! I can't find any complaints, and I can already see how one day the empty bottle will be a decoration on my shelf because I like the design. I'm glad that I took 3 bottles at the start so that I don't whine soon that I miss this fine gin.

Tea, Požega

Hm, where to start… extraordinarily prepared and guided tasting. With the whole story, the enticing scent of gin and Slavonian delicacies – you instantly separate from reality and simply turn to pleasure. If you find yourself nearby, be sure to visit and taste Castrum gin.

Filip, Skradnik

To say this gin is world-class is an understatement. The bottle itself looks amazing, and when you open it, the homey scent instantly mesmerizes and when you taste it you feel a delight for your tastebuds. There is nothing better than pouring and enjoying some Castrum gin!

Đuro, Vienna

One of the best and dearest gins I had ever tasted! You must visit Iva and Miho and find out everything you ever wanted to know about making these divine drops, and by the way have a few

Ana, Osijek

Jedan od boljih i dražih ginova koje sam pila! Obavezno posjetite Ivu i Mihu, saznajte sve što vas je ikad zanimalo o nastanku ove kapljice i usput nazdravite koju :)

Ana, Osijek

Gin je malo reći vrhunski. Sam izgled boce je top, a kad ju otvorite, taj domaći miris očarava i onda kad ga probate osjetite oduševljenje za nepce. Nema boljeg nego natoči i uživaj u Castrum ginu! 🥂

Đuro, Beč

Hm, odakle uopće početi... Izvrsno priređena i vođena degustacija. Uz cijelu tu priču, zamamni miris gina i slavonskih delicija - čovjek se začas odvoji od realnosti i jednostavno se prepusti uživanju. Ukoliko vas put navede u ovaj kraj, svakako posjetite i isprobajte Castrum gin.

Filip, Skradnik

Gin je stvarno jako dobar i specifičan, toliko pitko i taj miris čim ga otvoriš je odličan! Primjedbu ne mogu naći, a već vidim kako će mi jednog dana prazna boca biti dekor na polici jer mi je dizajn top. Drago mi je da sam u startu uzela 3 boce da ne kukam ubrzo da mi fali ovako finog gina.

Tea, Požega

Vikend za prvi maj proveli smo degustirajući novi gin u malom mjestu podno Papuka. Destileriju vodi izrazito ugodna ekipa s pravom filmskom pričom iza cijelog projekta. Mihovil i Iva su samu pojavu boce alkohola podignuli na jednu višu razinu. Odlično društvo, fenomenalan gin i sunčana subota provedena za poželjeti.

Matej M., Kaptol

Knez s Papuka je sada ljubomoran što u njegovo vrijeme nije bilo gina malo niže od njegovih odaja, a vjerojatno je ponosan što ukrasi s njegova konja krase ovaj odličan gin.

Josip, Velika